Tuesday, July 1, 2014

When You're Not the Perfect Christian

Ever since I was a little girl growing up in the church, I had this idea of The Perfect Christian Woman--what she looked like, talked like, thought like, acted like--and that I was far from being her.

Even as a 22-year-old woman, I still have this idea of The Perfect Christian Woman and the terrible feeling that I am not only far from being her, but that I will never be her.

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure where I got the idea of The Perfect Christian Woman from, but she just seemed to always exist in the back of my mind, reminding me that I'll never be good enough in the eyes of the church. other Christians, and God.

So, who is this Perfect Christian Woman? Well, she is. . .
  • Holy and Good: This woman is the epitome of virtue, righteousness and Godliness. People know she's a Christian without her ever having to say a word. She doesn't curse, doesn't listen to secular music, doesn't watch reality TV or other television shows that contain what may be considered unholy, negative or ungodly things, doesn't talk about sex (unless it's in direct relation to religion, like speaking about modesty and waiting until marriage), and I'm pretty sure she doesn't twerk. 
  • Always Involved in the Church: She probably has her own ministry within the church, attends bible study and other church services without fail, is out in the community helping others and is always spreading God's word.
  • All About God: Whether it's social media, what she wears, how she speaks, or what she does in her spare time--it's all centered around God.
  • Modest: This woman doesn't wear or like to wear short skirts, short shorts, crop tops, or anything that is too revealing and/or too tight. 
  • Knowledgeable About God's Word: This woman reads her bible and knows it by heart.
  • Positive: Even in the worst of situations, she's praising God, quoting scriptures, smiling, spreading hope, etc.
I could go on and on, but I'll stop there. I always just knew and felt that I didn't measure up--with me cursing from time to time, my love of secular music and all kinds of TV, my struggle to remain consistent in attending church services, my inability to read past Genesis in the bible, my constant battle with depression, anxiety and obsessive thoughts--I feel like a failure. I feel like I'm not good enough. For a long time, I felt so bad that I refused to call myself a Christian--I felt like it was an insult to God to claim such a title. It was so bad I'd avoid church and God altogether because I felt so unworthy, like damaged goods that God was displeased with. 

But all of these thoughts and my belief in The Perfect Christian Woman are lies.

First of all, God loves me unconditionally. He says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He didn't create me to fit into some box, but to break out of the box and be the loving free spirit that you see before you today. God created me to be me and no one else. He has a special plan for me that only I can fulfill. I am good enough. I am worthy.

Second, there is no such thing as The Perfect Christian Woman. She's just someone that my vivid imagination and insecurities have created. Now, there are women who fit the description or who come close, but they don't always fit that description--sometimes, they're ridiculously human--they make mistakes, they sin, they might have doubt and struggle with their faith. Their journey probably isn't all rainbows and sunshine either. They need God just as much as you and me.

This idea of The Perfect Christian Woman has allowed me to dismiss the humanity of other Christian women--to ignore it. It has helped to fuel my jealousy and added to my insecurities. Not only that, but it has become something that further separates me from God and His people.

We all need God and His love. We are all perfectly imperfect. We are all at different places in our spiritual walk. We are all different and created to fulfill different purposes for His kingdom. And that's okay.

Perfect doesn't exist, but God's grace, mercy and love does.


  1. "Perfect doesn't exist, but God's grace, mercy and love does." - What a beautiful statement and such a well written article, thanks for reminder. I needed that! :-D

    1. Thank you! :) Sometimes we just need to be reminded that God does not ask for perfection...He simply asks that we try and that we give our best. Once we have done that, we simply have to give the rest over to Him. He knows our limitations and accepts our humanity...that's why He is so willing to meet us where we are!

  2. Jenai! This was awesome! Just know you don't have to be perfect to be loved and accepted by God, he knew just what he was doing when he created us its totally for his glory!

    1. Thank you for reading and thank you for the reminder! :) Sometimes it's hard to remember that God doesn't ask us to be perfect, but that He simply wants us to give our best. I try to keep this in mind.

  3. Yes! Indeed I believe that most Christians want to do right and live right that at times we simply overthink, criticize ourselves, compare ourselves, doubt ourselves and more.

    God knows that I am going to keep seeking him just as I am until... i let the s word out, listen to all types of music, watch some reality TV. But, I have a heart after Him and know I am covered and will do my best to please Him. He desires for us to relax, trust and know.

    Awesome job Butterfly, I see your beautiful colors. Continue to move forward in VICTORY!

    1. Yes to all of this! The key is to relax, trust God and know that you have been saved. It is finished. All God wants us to do is to do our best and that is more than enough for Him. Thank you for reading and commenting Yulunda and adding some more knowledge. :)
